Archive for January, 2008

Soft Focus: Genesis P-Orridge Part 1, 2, 3, 4

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Genesis P-Orridge photographed by Dan Mandell

Genesis P-Orridge, lead singer of TG, PTV and Thee Majesty, speaks of the broke up of TG in San Francisco, his old friend Ian Curtis, Psychic TV, Manchester, and other things…

Soft Focus: Genesis P-Orridge Part 1 of 4

Aggiunto: 1 mese fa
Visualizzazioni: 1123

Soft Focus: Genesis P-Orridge Part 2 of 4

Aggiunto: 1 mese fa
Visualizzazioni: 816

Soft Focus: Genesis P-Orridge Part 3 of 4

Aggiunto: 1 mese fa
Visualizzazioni: 616

Soft Focus: Genesis P-Orridge Part 4 of 4

Aggiunto: 1 mese fa
Visualizzazioni: 568

for more info on Gen:

Genesis P-Orridge – Esoterrorist.txt 


The Last Days Of Jesus + Scarlet And The Spookie Spiders live

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
The Last Days Of Jesus in concerto a Firenze sabato 5 gennaio 2008

tutte le foto: THX e Kate (2008); clikka sui link per visualizzare le foto


The Last Days Of Jesus:

[IMG] 01010001.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:28   35K  
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[IMG] 01010008.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:29   51K  
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[IMG] 01060033.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   54K  
[IMG] 01060034.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   58K  
Scarlet And The Spookie Spiders: 
[IMG] 01060035.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   50K  
[IMG] 01060036.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   48K  
[IMG] 01060037.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   55K  
[IMG] 01060038.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   42K  
[IMG] 01060039.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   36K  
[IMG] 01060040.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:32   51K  
[IMG] 01060041.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   50K  
[IMG] 01060042.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   47K  
[IMG] 01060043.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   46K  
[IMG] 01060044.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   53K  
[IMG] 01060045.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   55K  
[IMG] 01060046.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   54K  
[IMG] 01060047.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   53K  
[IMG] 01060048.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   52K  
[IMG] 01060049.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   52K  
[IMG] 01060050.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:33   57K  
[IMG] 01060051.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:34   57K  
[IMG] 01060052.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:34   56K  
[IMG] 01060053.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:34   56K  
[IMG] 01060054.jpg            07-Jan-2008 14:34   50K  

dedicato a Sandro Vichi a.k.a. Aquila 

200 maniax ftp: 

[DIR] abandonware/            07-Feb-2008 16:31    -   
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2000 maniax ftp site

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

2000 maniax ftp web site url:

Un ringraziamento particolare al collettivo Autistici/Inventati per aver fornito gratuitamente lo spazio su cui è ospitato il sito ftp contenente i file.