Z’EV live @ NUB – Montale (Pistoia) 30 nov 2011
fonte https://associazioneculturalenub.wordpress.com/category/eventi/zev-slp/

Z’EV live a Pisa 8-11-2008 (foto: THX)
“Dal 1984 Z’EV si dedica principalmente alla presentazione di performances percussive utilizzando bastoni e mazze metalliche battuti su oggetti risuonatori da lui costruiti. Z’EV considera le sue performances come relazioni uniche tra se stesso e i suoi strumenti e il particolare spazio fisico della performance comprese l’ubicazione geografica e l’energia del pubblico. Mentre i primi due fattori rimangono naturalmente gli stessi, la modifica di uno qualunque degli altri tre determina una performance totalmente distinta.
Z’EV si è esibito da solista in più di 80 città in 20 paesi e ha pubblicato più di 30 lavori musicali su lp, cassette e cd. Uscito dal silenzio nel 2003, la sua attenzione è ora puntata sulle collaborazioni e sulle performance in luoghi inconsueti.”
RHYTHMAJIK [pfd] — Practical Uses of Number, Rhythm and Sound
Z’EV – intervista su RE/SEARCH (ed. it.)
Z’EV – foto concerto Pisa 8-11-2008
Z’EV Ghost Stories CD [Soleilmoon Recordings]
SLP plays in the group Salome Lego Playset and therefore adopts its wording to understand that whatever may happen in his universe he can’t detach from the life project which he found in Salome. He isn’t a musician and has no technical skills nor funds to hide it. He works on ever failing attempts in his search for a sound which can be definite for him, first of all as an existential quest and that may sooner or later absorb him in its whirls and make him disappear. This sound doesn’t materialize, it is reluctant because it is incapable of reproducing the shadows which roam in his mind. Thus he continues to make failing attemts at playing which nonetheless contain the echo of that ideal sound that he has always looked for. Once he has obtained this he will no longer need to search but only be silent.
Whether it’s acoustic or digital doesn’t matter, the source is always that vague echo in his limbs, which enchants him and promises that in the future encounter, if it ever takes place, he will at last be free to unconditionally express all of his being.
What he leaves for now are therefore gasps for a definite word which can give some sense to his life and welcome a finished silence.