Archive for the ‘musica dal vivo’ Category

Burp rendez-vous stasera all’Ulisse Bar (FI)

Friday, July 8th, 2011

Burp Rendez-Vous
Venerdi 8 Luglio 2011
Ulisse Barnum – Via San Salvi 12 – Firenze – IT

ore 22
brevi azioni di musica istantanea, premeditata e registrata

voce reale e registrata, microfono, mixer, lettore cd, registrazioni

mixer, lettori cd, minidisc, generatore di frequenze, registrazioni

mixer, elettroniche, lettore cd, giradischi, registrazioni


ore 23:30
dj set

afroamericana / r&b / error / punca / colonial / r’n’r / freestyle / mod classical / rumore

Burp enterprise infos —

Y2KX+1 International Live Looping Festival Firenze

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Teatro Blu del parco dell’Anconella a Firenze

16 e 17 luglio 2011

clicca per ingrandire il programma:


Klaus Schulze – Live 1977

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Klaus Schulze performs ‘For Barry Graves’ – live concert 1977.
Unique and rare footage. Video re-edited for better image quality and sound remastered for better clearity and stereo imaging. – Nimanty

See Klaus Schulze using the MiniMoog D-model synthesizer, switching the added white noise off at 6:20.
Next to it, the Moog Micromoog, on which he (at 2:16) adjusts the ‘volume’, ‘filter cutoff’, ‘release’ (to short), ‘filter mod by osc’ (to strong, then back to off), ‘filter mode’ (to tone) and finally ‘modulation rate’, just visible on fading.

Quite silent (video)

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Ugo Nativi (drums) and THX (scratch and electronics) performing live in Pisa for the Quite Silent installation by Robert Pettena

video by Robert Pettena


The video camera follows four separate people, moving through the
forest, each listening to their own music on their ipod, each unaware
of the others, moving to the syncopated rhythm of their music, totally
absorbed by their natural environment, deeply involved with the forest.
Another video camera focuses on a drummer performing on a platform
high up in the trees.

The four tracks of music, in the four separate videos, combine into one
piece of music when projected onto the walls of the gallery. A fragment
of the natural environment, the drummer sitting on the platform in the
tree, has been transported into the gallery to perform with the four videos.
The videos come to represent an artificial fragment of reality. But the
drummer on the platform in the tree in the gallery is an actual fragment
of the performance in the forest. Yet he is completely out of place in
the gallery. Reality becomes artifice while reproduction shows what is
real. The roles have interchanged in some kind of a short circuit, as if
the drummer orchestrated the whole performance, playing in the tree,
keeping the four different realities together and dialoguing with them.

Then a new element is added. City life comes to the gallery in the form
of a DJ, who adds his live set into the music, jamming with the drummer
and the forest performers.

Rites and rythms – report 2

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Quite silent
installation and photography: Robert Pettena

Diego on drums; THX on the wheels

Ugo Nativi on drums; THX at the wheels