Schnitt Pianoform live set
April 15th, 2011 by thx1138| PIANOFORM | 15-04-2011 |
Fräulein AMELIE mix set
A.S. Aurora – viale Pratolini 2, Firenze
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| PIANOFORM | 15-04-2011 |
Fräulein AMELIE mix set
A.S. Aurora – viale Pratolini 2, Firenze
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Oggi 16 aprile 2011 in tutto il mondo si festeggerà il Record Store Day per la gioia di tutti i vinilomani e collezionisti di dischi rari e non… Nel pomeriggio ci saranno rinfreschi e dj set in giro per i negozi di dischi locali.
Il leggendario Ozzy Osbourne si è autoproclamato “ambasciatore” del Record Store Day 2011.
Intanto eccovi un piccolo assaggio dei vinili che potete trovare curiosando negli scaffali in centro a Firenze (con un po’ di fortuna anche a prezzi stracciati!):
Los Van Van “Que Pista” 1983 – Areito. La Habana, Cuba
Yaco Monti “Me Voy Y No Llores” 1972 – Parnaso. New York, USA
Sammy Davis, Jr. “At Town Hall” 1958 – Brunswick. London, UK
Estelita Del Llano “Tu Sabes” Velvet. Caracas, Venezuela
Los Angeles Negros “La Cita” Odeon – Nicaragua
Gillan “Glory Road” 1980 – Virgin. London, UK
21 conferences on new technologies for music and sound in 5 cities in Italy. April 5-16.
Via a series of conferences given in a selection of conservatories in Italy by three young composers that have graduated from IRCAM’s Cursus program. These conferences will present the new technologies for sound creation developed at the institute as well as the creative projects carried out by the composers during their residence at IRCAM. With the participation of the composers Mauro Lanza and Yan Maresz.
Dates and Venues
Turin, April 5-7
Venice, April 7-8
Milan, April 11-12
Trento, April 14-15
Rome, April 15-16
Festival Suona Francese
IRCAM (Paris, Centre Pompidou) —
Richard “Dick” Justice – Cocaine (1929)
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Registrazione sul campo dei disordini causati dal lancio di oggetti sul palco durante un concerto dei Black Sabbath a Milwaukee nel 1980. Geezer Butler fu colpito alla testa da una bottiglia di vetro e di conseguenza il concerto fu sospeso. Decine di persone furibonde furono arrestate e ci furono danni per oltre 10000 dollari.
Milwaukee, WI 10/9/1980 – One of the greatest audio testaments to a concert riot that exists. Just the third song into the show (Sabbath had already played War Pigs and Neon Knights), Dio gives the nod to Geezer to start N.I.B. All that happens is a thud… which is presumably Geezer hitting the floor after some jackass threw a bottle and hit him in the head. Dio turns on the lights and lectures the crowd a bit. Then the road manager and tour promoter come out and give a brief statement. Sabbath does not come back though, and the crowd gets pissed. Supposedly dozens were arrested and there was $10,000 damage to the arena. Funny thing was that the Milwaukee Bucks had a game the following night. Wonder how that worked out?–Lary-7-Black-Sabbath-Riot-Milwaukee-1980/release/186425
Khan & Lary 7 – Black Sabbath Riot Milwaukee 1980
Label: El Turco Loco
Catalog#: EL TURCO LOCO CAT# 4
Format: Vinyl, LP
Country: US
Released: 1998
Genre: Electronic, Non-Music
Style: Leftfield, Field Recording
A1 The Riot
A2 We Want Sabbath
B1 Suck Blood
B2 Flying Objects
B3 Baby We’re Doomed