THE VARUKERS all’Emerson ieri sera!!!???

November 22nd, 2009 by thx1138

Ieri sera si è tenuto, al CSA nEXt Emerson a Firenze, il concerto di The Varukers storico gruppo HC punk inglese attivo dal 1979. Purtroppo non ho potuto comunicarvi questa data perchè neppure io sapevo che sarebbero stati presenti The Varukers, inoltre non comparivano neppure nel programma sul sito ufficiale dell’Emerson (!!??).

The Varukers in concerto il 23 Aprile 2006

The Varukers "Soldier Boy" live + intervista con Rat

WHITE RABBIT @ GDK (Berlin) next gigs

November 20th, 2009 by thx1138

Potsdamer Straße 98 Berlin
U1 Kurfüstenstr / U2 Bülow Str
Bus: M29 Exit Potsdamer Brücke — M48/M85
Exit Lützow Strasse
Freitag, 20 November //// starts: 20uhr:
– Metro Libido
– Blue Sabbath Black Fiji
– Mueran Humanos
– Makiko Tsunekawa
Samstag, 21 November /// 20uhr
Exhibition Opening ( EINTRITT FREI ) :
(Drawings from the) Safran House
by Bart Van Dijk & Lieven Segers
opening hours : wed >> sat 15uhr / 18uhr
Mittwoch, 25 November //// starts: 20uhr:
– Olivier Di Placido
– Peter Schlewinski
Schlagzeug. Heute abend duo mit tabletop Gitarrist Olivier Di Placido…
Außerdem ist er Betreiber des Tonträger Mailorders minimamedia   ||
– Arnaud Riviere
– Clayton Thomas
Donnerstag, 26 November //// starts: 20uhr:
– Raving Mad Carlos
– Kornreiniger
– The Ebert Brothers
Samstag, 28 November //// starts: 20uhr:
– Izanami’s Labour Pains
– The Shock Technician
– Whole Voyald Infinite Light

your hateful neighborhood… THX 1138
fuck my$pace

The Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” interactive cover

November 20th, 2009 by thx1138

L’album dei Fab Four "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" è considerato dalla critica uno degli album più importanti della storia del rock’n’roll. La rivista Rolling Stone ha accreditato all’album il primo posto nella lista dei 500 migliori album di tutti i tempi. Cliccando sul link sottostante potete raggiungere la pagina dell’Oxford Dictionary of National Biography che ospita l’immagine della copertina (realizzata da Robert Fraser, Peter Blake e sua moglie Jann Haworth) che vinse il premio Grammy per la miglior "cover-art" nel 1968. La copertina è interattiva e cliccabile, con i nomi delle persone ritratte nella foto e i link alle varie voci del dizionario online.


Sgt. Pepper and friends

June 2007 was the 40th anniversary of The Beatles’ Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album. To mark the date, the Oxford DNB published an interactive version of the cover.

people we like

fuck my$pace – fuck facebukk 

sabato 21 novembre : a punk night

November 19th, 2009 by thx1138

Disease (Prato punk-hc)
Howling machines (Bologna punk-hc)
Nido di vespe (Lucca grind trashcore)
Kancroide (Prato punk youth attack)

CSA nEXt Emerson, via di Bellagio 15, Firenze (zona Castello) 

NAKED LUNCH – 50° anniversario – 1959/2009

November 18th, 2009 by thx1138

continuano i festeggiamenti per il 50° anniversario della pubblicazione di "Naked Lunch" ("Il Pasto Nudo" o "Pasto Nudo"), indubbiamente il più conosciuto fra gli innumerevoli romanzi di William S. Burroughs.


San Francisco 

Naked Lunch 50th Anniversary Weekend
20-22 November, 2009, San Francisco

City Lights Books, SFAI Film Department, & Grove Press celebrate William S. Burrough’s Naked Lunch @ 50 Years with a weekend of critical analysis and commemorative readings.

20 November 2009, 7:00 PM

  • William S. Burroughs: An Evening with the Author of Naked Lunch
  • SFAI Lecture Hall, 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco
  • Hosted by Jonah Raskin and Peter Maravelis
  • Presentations by Bill Berkson, Oliver Harris, Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Ron Loewinsohn, Jonah Raskin, DJ Spooky, and others, followed by film screenings and a roundtable discussion.

22 November 2009, 7:00 PM

  • Naked Lunch REDUX
  • Amnesia Bar, 853 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, in SF’s Mission District
  • Hosted by Peter Maravelis
  • Local authors read excerpts from Naked Lunch. Participants will include Mindy Bagdon, Stephen Elliot, Marcus Ewert, Daphne Gottlieb, Michael McClure, Johnny Strike, and more to be announced…

In the light of the 50th anniversary of Naked Lunch, a book
that is as relevant now as it ever was, this program attempts to
encourage a new public appreciation of the author and the work through
a weekend of critical analysis and public readings. The historic,
literary, socio-political, and biographic elements shall be explored
bringing contemporary readers closer to this important author and his
greatest novel. Brought together will be poets, writers, scholars,
artists, and musicians in an attempt to plumb the depths of this
seminal and on the whole “revolutionary” work.

We will explore the influence of the Beats upon Burroughs — the
literary connection and friendship with Allen Ginsberg and Jack
Kerouac. Also explored will be how Naked Lunch relates to Howl and On the Road. Other themes that will be discussed: The trial of Naked Lunch and the obscenity issue. Drugs and Naked Lunch
and Burroughs. Burroughs as a father of the counterculture — influence
on Lou Reed, Stones, Patti Smith, punk. Burroughs as an experimental
writer of the avant garde — connections to surrealism, use of the

– Jonah Raskin, Peter Maravelis, event curators


Naked Lunch @ 50: An Anniversary Celebration in Newcastle, UK

Saturday, 28 November, 8:00 to Midnight
The Star and Shadow, Stepney Bank, Byker, Newcastle
