Archive for the ‘audio’ Category

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

nula is the source of a ser­ies of file­casts, each con­sist­ing of an as­semb­lage of sounds, im­ages, or words, made avail­ab­le for down­load, shar­ing, com­men­tary, and fur­ther man­i­pu­la­tion. file­casts are gen­er­al­ly, tho not ex­clus­ive­ly, cre­ated from found ma­ter­ial. the ten­den­cy here will simp­ly be to let the work speak for it­self as much as it can.

info —

Advice from Christmas Past

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Dead Kennedys – Government Flu
from Plastic Surgery Disasters

Advice From Christmas Past (album intro)

Why are such a stupid asshole?
Would you really like to know?
Well pay your fee remove your clothes and Yvette will show you how
You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you’re weird
Life can be perfect
People can be trusted
Someday, I will fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own
Free from all the pain
Happy and having fun all the time
It never happened, did it?

Plastic Surgery Disasters + In God We Trust Inc. (download link) —

KK NULL / EXTROPY (excerpt)

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Excerpt from KK NULL “EXTROPY” CD

Recorded & produced @ prima natura studio, 2007-2009 by Kazuyuki Kishino,
including field recordings @ Stradbroke Island, Sheoak Falls, Great Otway NP in Australia, and live performance @ L’Embobineuse, Marseille, France on March 10, 2009.

The CD can be purchased at

Tags: KK NULL ZENI GEVA electro-acoustic field recording noise

THX soundcloud tracks collection

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

click on play button to listen to all my tracks published on soundcloud

(next track will loads automatically at the end of each song)

15 novembre. Anniversario della nascita di JG Ballard

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

JG Ballard (Shanghai, 15 novembre 1930 – Shepperton, 19 aprile 2009)

Oggi è l’anniversario della nascita di James Graham Ballard, grandissimo scrittore inglese (scomparso il 19 aprile 2009) creatore di capolavori quali “La mostra delle atrocità”, “Crash”, “L’isola di cemento”, “Mitologie del futuro prossimo”, “La civiltà del vento”, “Cronopoli” e molti altri romanzi e racconti che hanno influenzato centinaia di autori.

Nel corso dell’ultimo anno mi è capitato di leggere “L’isola di cemento” e vari racconti tratti dalle antologie di Urania fra cui “Mitologie del futuro prossimo” e “La civiltà del vento” che non avevo mail letto e devo dire mi hanno entusiasmato molto.

Voglio dedicare alla memoria di JG Ballard questa traccia tratta dal soundcloud di BinauralDiaries che mi ha fatto pensare subito al romanzo “L’isola di cemento” e che potrebbe essere una perfetta colonna sonora durante la lettura di questo romanzo super-paranoico.

Avon Bridge Underpass 1

Track artwork



The Atrocity Exhibition – J. Weiss (2000) —