Archive for the ‘letteratura’ Category
H.P. Lovecraft (1890 – 1937)
Thursday, October 29th, 2009« Penso che la cosa più misericordiosa al mondo sia l’incapacità della mente umana di mettere in relazione i suoi molti contenuti. Viviamo su una placida isola d’ignoranza in mezzo a neri mari d’infinito e non era previsto che ce ne spingessimo troppo lontano. Le scienze, che finora hanno proseguito ognuna per la sua strada, non ci hanno arrecato troppo danno: ma la ricomposizione del quadro d’insieme ci aprirà, un giorno, visioni così terrificanti della realtà e del posto che noi occupiamo in essa, che o impazziremo per la rivelazione o fuggiremo dalla luce mortale nella pace e nella sicurezza di una nuova età oscura. » |
Il richiamo di Cthulhu (1926), H.P. Lovecraft
selezione di racconti scritti da H.P. Lovecraft e tradotti in lingua italiana
clicca sui link per scaricare i file
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h.p. lovecraft – il caso di charles dexter ward (doc.lit.pdf.rtf).rar | 27-Dec-2007 23:57 | 1.2M |
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h.p.lovecraft – l’estraneo.txt | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 17K |
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h.p.lovecraft – l’orrore di | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 46K |
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h.p.lovecraft – la palude della luna.txt | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 22K |
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h.p. lovecraft – le montagne della follia (doc lit pdf rtf).rar | 27-Dec-2007 23:58 | 745K |
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h.p.lovecraft – medusa.txt | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 96K |
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h.p.lovecraft – ombra.txt | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 171K |
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h.p. lovecraft – tutti i romanzi e i racconti volume 1 .zip | 27-Dec-2007 23:55 | 235K |
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h.p. lovecraft – tutti i romanzi e i racconti volume 2 .zip | 27-Dec-2007 23:54 | 229K |
immagine tratta da
the H.P. Lovecraft Archive (in english language) —
Necronomicon Project —
Miskatonic University —
Al azif (Necronomicon), traduzione in italiano dalla versione tradotta in greco da Teofilatto —
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aleister crowley – the necronomicon.pdf | 28-Dec-2007 01:55 | 647K |
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necronomicon.doc | 27-Dec-2007 23:57 | 30K |
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necronomicon.pdf | 28-Dec-2007 01:01 | 2.0M |
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necronomicon.rar | 27-Dec-2007 23:53 | 2.0 |
“Let the secrets of the ages be revealed. The publication of the Necronomicon may well be a landmark in the liberation of the human spirit.” William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs quotes, infos and videos
Sunday, October 18th, 2009William S. Burroughs on Allen Ginsberg (1983 rare footage)
A William S. Burroughs Community —
WSB forum —
Naked Lunch 50th anniversary —
Weescoosa WSB — (with records covers and mp3s)
William S. Burroughs quotes —
A cat’s rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering.
A functioning police state needs no police.
A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.
Admittedly, a homosexual can be conditioned to react sexually to a woman, or to an old boot for that matter. In fact, both homo – and heterosexual experimental subjects have been conditioned to react sexually to an old boot, and you can save a lot of money that way.
After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say ‘I want to see the manager.’
Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.
Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.
Be just and if you can’t be just, be arbitrary.
Black magic operates most effectively in preconscious, marginal areas. Casual curses are the most effective.
Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.
Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.
Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war.
How I hate those who are dedicated to producing conformity.
Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.
I am getting so far out one day I won’t come back at all.
I had not taken a bath in a year nor changed my clothes or removed them except to stick a needle every hour in the fibrous grey wooden flesh of heroin addiction. I did absolutely nothing.
In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.
In my writing I am acting as a map maker, an explorer of psychic areas, a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed.
Junk is the ideal product… the ultimate merchandise. No sales talk necessary. The client will crawl through a sewer and beg to buy.
Just One Fix
Thursday, October 15th, 2009dedicato ai gonzi della Piccola Fiera Paesana Della Creatività Borghese…
Ministry – Just One Fix (live version)
ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ a.k.a. Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs
"Just One Fix" lyrics:
Life keeps slipping away
Silence of desperation
Trying to find a highway in vein
Trying to find a destination
Just One Fix
Clock keeps ticking away
Banging on the walls of frustration
Organs keep grinding away
Monkey is the only solution
Just One Fix
Monkey starts driving the train
Tries to take out the station
Tried to find a highway in vein
Monkey kills without hesitation
Just One Fix
your hateful neighborhood… THX 1138
Ruggine Night + Pablito el Drito (Micro Milano hq) liveset – 4 nov 2009
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009Mercoledi’ 4 novembre al CSA Next Emerson in via di Bellagio 15 a Firenze (zona Castello):
Presentazione invernale della rivista di fantascienza radicale autoprodotta
“Ruggine” n°1,
reading di testi tratti dalla rivista + sottofondo
musicale di THX1138
Micromusic live set: Pablito El Drito (Micro Milano HQ) + SQJ Visuals: THX1138
+ installazioni elettriche
apericena e beveraggi dalle ore 20.00
< THX visuals sample
dal myspace di Pablito el Drito (
Dopo aver messo in piedi concerti, allestito palchi e fatto il fonico
in situazioni underground a Milano negli anni 1993-95, inizio a
interessarmi alla musica elettronica, dapprima come dj (dal 1996), poi
come live setter (dal 2003).
Nel 1997 col nome di dj Bostik fondo assieme a dj Pier Analogic Mantra.
Ho organizzato happening e festival come Hackit98, Hackit99, Digital
Guerrilla, Neuromacchine, MaydayParade, Canapisa 2004 e 2005, Mostra
del Postumano, Decadent freak Circus, Ombre senza Corpi, Techno Rxstnz,
MicroLove, GodSave8Bit, Bikosessions, MicroMilano vs MicroRoma,
Interferenze, Veneralia, Ginnastica e rivoluzione, Roma KO, The plot
thickens 2, POST, Micronauti nella galassia a spirale, Wasabi 8 bit
party, TAZ, Biko Platz, Bit Bubbles, Sprawl, Start-up, Posthumans don’t
Ora faccio parte dei collettivi NoHumanNoCry, Micromilano and
Ultimamente ho suonato insieme con Cdatakill (USA), V-Atak (FR), Yann
Keller (DE), Alice and her boyband (ITA), Core Ogg (USA), 8GB (ARG),
Hekate (UK), Raving Mad Carlos (ESP), Kloreiniger (DE), Otolab (ITA),
Bubblyfish (USA), Anna Bolena (DE), Cybele (ITA), collettivo MicroRoma
(ITA), B.S.K. (JAP), Fire at work (ITA), Drama Nui (DE), Franzuss (DE),
Memory9 (ITA), Chrono Triggers (FR), Queenspectra (ITA), Enk (ITA),
Daesfunka (MEX).
Ho lavorato nell’arte in Italia e Germania con MiArt, GreenArtFestival,
Limited, XLab, White Rabbit, Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, Studio
Pomezia Uno.
Ora sto producendo il mio primo vinile RXSTNZ 01, che conterrà tracce
di a034, hyena, mbst8 e manauldestruction.
Un po’di miei mixtape stanno su RADIOZEROGRAVITY.NET
Contemporary Urban Sounds and visions from Italy. Puoi ascoltarli
gratuitamente tutti i giorni a tutte le ore. Per trovarli, inserisci
nella finestra “search” il mio nome, pablito. Buon ascolto!
< Babau –
Micro Milano HQ —
CSA Next Emerson —
your friendly neighborhood… THX 1138