thx 1138 podcasts + mixes

15 feb 2011

Stream buffering problems are been solves some days ago. Now all the podcasts are working. Enjoy.

I problemi di buffering dei flussi di rete sono stati risolti qualche giorno fa. Adesso tutti i podcast funzionano bene. Buon ascolto.


1. Hyperpop 2011 podcast

[SND] thx hyperpop 2011 podcast.mp3 04-Jan-2011 15:53 135M
Audio Player

1 – Throbbing Gristle “Führer Der Mensheit” (S.O. 36 Berlin 11.7.80)
2 – Nurse With Wound “Spooky Loop”
3 – Jim O’Rourke “Please Note Our Failure”
4 – Vomit Lunchs “Ear Dot Mix”
5 – Suicide “96 Tears”
6 – Autophonic “Artificial Death”
7 – Matmos “l.a.s.i.k.”
8 – Dieb13 vs. Takeshi Fumimoto “Yo!”
9 – DJ Balli Is The Wrong Nigga To Fuk Wiz! “Forget about Caninus and Hatebeek, This Is MY HORSE!”
10 – Intervallo
11 – Techno Animal vs. Dälek “Megaton”
12 – Noto “∞” endless loop edition

original vinyls mixed by THX (4 jan 2011)

thanks to all my friends

2. Italian Hardcore Punk compilation

compiled by THX on jan 9 2011
mp3 stereo 192 kbps
total running time 37 min 01 sec

Audio Player

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1. The Crime gang-bang “A Reagan” from “Figli Della Rabbia, Figli Del Dolore” 7″ EP
2. Not Moving “You’re Gone Away” from “Land Of Nothing” LP
3. Cheeta Chrome Motherfuckers “Four Hundred Fascists” from “Cheeta Chrome Motherfuckers” 7″ EP
4. Pea Wees “I Waste My Time” from “The Sensational Octopus Compilation” 7″ EP
5. O’DIO – Tampax – ascoltare e distruggere 7″
6. Wells Fargo “Flashback” from “Urlo” flexi (031/3)
7. The Pow “Pow’s Theme” from “NETWT.4oz.” LP
8. Panico “14 aprile” from “Scimmie” LP
9. U.N.S. “Memory Blank” from “Lethal Noise” LP
10. The Ravings “Hit And Run Driver” from “Anti-Nature Will” LP
11. Peggio (Punx) – Codex CPX 43577″ from “Alterazione Della Struttura” LP
12. Detriti “Svanito” from “Detriti n°0” LP
13. thx 1138 ? LP

many thanks to Adamo (DADA distribuzioni) for the records he gave me, that i used for this compilation.

The Crime gang-bang “Figli Della Rabbia, Figli Del Dolore” EP cover

3. THX Post-Punk podcast – stereo mp3 128 kbps –

Audio Player

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1. Throbbing Gristle “Whistling Song”
2. Hafler Trio “Restimulation”
3. Der Plan “Kennen Sie Koln”
4. P16D4 “E & E”
5. Snakefinger “Trashing All The Loves Of History”
6. The Residents “Whatever Happened To Vileness Fat?”
7. Martin Rev “Rocking Horse”
8. Robert Merdzo “First Introduction”
9. Earth “Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine (part 1)”
10. NON “Warring Atoms”
11. Coil “The Avatars”
12. Nurse With Wound “A Shoe Fly Debris Situation”

recorded by THX from original vinyl records (no reissues)
15.09 28/02/2011

TG’s Special Treatment back cover foto

4. THX 2000 hc-crust-grind 7″ compilation (part 1)
mp3 stereo 128 kbps

Audio Player

download link


1. Keith Morris (of Circle Jerks) introduction
2. Submerge “To His Grief”
3. Disarm “Askatasuna”
4. Warsore “stegraT dooG ekaM spoC”
5. Easpa Measa “Dead Inside”
6. Elevate “Nevrose”
7. Atlas Shrugged “Hellenback”
8. Battle Royale “Zurück Auf Den Boden Der Tatsachen”

compiled and ripped from original vinyl records by THX
many thanks to Ginox, Maria, Sons Of Vesta (for the records i’ve put in this podcast) and to all my friends and HC Kids @ CSA nEXt Emerson.
16.33 02/03/2011


just another service provided by your friendly neighborhood THX 1138