Glue Pour + Pato live @ Nub – 10.2.2011

February 1st, 2011 by thx1138


Glue Pour + Pato live il 10 febbraio

Inserito il gennaio 27, 2011 da Associazione Culturale Nub | Lascia un commento

Rubén Patiño aka Pato è un sound artist nato a Barcelona nel 1979.
Opera nel campo della computer music combinando diverse tecniche di sintesi del suono generate con Super Collider e Pure Data. Il suo lavoro è una fusione di una composizione algoritmica iper energetica, una futile visualizzazione e un’aroma aleatorio e umoristico.
Ha eseguito in solo svariate performance in giro per l’Europa, così come improvvisazioni col chitarrista Olivier Di Placido e collaborazioni occasionali all’interno di EVOL, un progetto di computer music guidato da Roc Jiménez de Cisneros. Vive a Berlino dal 2005.

Benjamin L. Aman è un artista francese che attualmente vive a Berlino. Musicista dall’approccio concettuale, opera anche nel campo delle arti visive, delle installazioni e delle performance.
Usando principalmente elettronica e dispositivi analogici, costruisce parti di synth minimali e statiche mischiate a droni penetranti.
Sotto diversi pseudonimi come Rose Poussin, Glue Pour, Poldr, Crystal Plumage, Benjamin L. Aman ha pubblicato circa trenta registrazioni in edizione limitata con numerose etichette internazionali.


January 30th, 2011 by thx1138

[The following is taken from a leaflet that was passed around Lawrence,
Kansas sometime around 1986 or 1987]

[by Tad Kepley]

Dear friends….

Punk Sucks. As every day goes by, it becomes more pathetic, choking itself
on its’ own puke, and I’m through with it.

For several years, I’ve been involved in the “scene”, and I’m tired. I give
too much and get nothing in return. Oh, yeah, I’ve seen you all. Snotty
rich kids hollering Anarchy, hyper-intelligent are farts quoting Sartre,
“lower class” anally retentive nazis, just plain idiots, hipsters like

I’ve always claimed myself as a part of the “scene”…I’m sick of people
who claim that they aren’t part of the scene, yet still bleed off it to
bandage their insecurity. That is Punk. People who are hip, yet not quite
hip enough no not be hip…got that? If you don’t, I’m sure there would be
a million self-contradicting upper-middle-class hippies’ kids to tell you
what is up.

Why should class even come into this? Because I’m nauseated by rich kids
trying to act poor….it is almost as bad as poor kids trying to act
rich…social class is a big part of the scene. The kids who don’t have
jobs, yet somehow seem to make it to every show and have huge record
collections, and the whole while whining about social injustice and nuclear
holocaust. They are secure, they can afford to worry about these things,
not to mention their shitty little problems and their shitty little
cliques, and shitty little mind games.

Recently, some idiot told me how he wished “these people” would “stop
acting like they’re part of a subculture, punk’s not important, it is too
elitist. The hippies and beats were more…etc…etc…punk isn’t a
subculture, why don’t these people realize they are just the same?” Why?
Because there are people in the scene.

Like any “movement” punk has its’ rhetoric, some self-challenging, most
not. And most “movements” weren’t even that until someone was moved to make
a movement. You can “believe” anything you want…you are only limited by
your imagination. “The truth shall make you free,” say squeamishly correct
literary groupies, “and the more truthful you are, the freer you shall be.”
Bullshit. We are all liars, and we are all social critics, and you can
only do your best, there is no such thing as perfection.

I’m tired of people creating secure realities and then pretending they
aren’t a part of them, or becoming so much a part of them that they lose
sight of what their “original goals” were. Wait a minute…what if the
original goal was to lose track of goals?

Punk is hierarchical and inherently fascistic. People don’t form bands in
the scene to “express themselves”, politically or otherwise. They do it for
that nice warm feeling you get when someone kisses your ass. It’s who you
know that matters, and the scene kings who proclaim it the loudest and most
vociferously are that doctrines most addicted practitioners. Ass kissing is
a drug. How are you going to change the world so you don’t have to kiss ass
by spending all your time doing nothing butt?

Hey you punk “anarchists”…I call your bluff. Your anarchy isn’t anarchy.
It is deadpanarchy. A deadpan reactionism. Yes, I too can say “fuck you” in
ten different languages, and I didn’t pick it up from the little prince.
Some of you did, and will spout “Kropotkin this, Bakunin that.” So what.
Pretty unanarchical of you to make fun of the people who come to the shows.

I don’t need this shit. I have enough problems without letting all this
drag me down…this could go on forever…but it doesn’t need to.

The “scene” meant alot to me…and did a great deal for me. And I paid for
my pleasure with jail terms, thousands of hours and dollars…and it isn’t
fun, and I’m no freer.

Most of you who will be getting this are my friends. I haven’t seem many of
you in a long time, and many of you I’ve never seen. I’ll still go to
shows, and I’ll still listen to the music, but punk and I are divorced.

This doesn’t need to go on. You all know the “truth” anyway…time for me
to do the “hip” thing and move on.

Divisively yours,


txt source

nazi punks fuck off

January 27th, 2011 by thx1138

feccia nazi vaffanculo

Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Punk ain’t no religious cult
Punk means thinking for yourself
You ain’t hardcore cos you spike your hair
When a jock still lives inside your head

Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks-Fuck Off!

Nazi punks
Nazi punks
Nazi punks-Fuck Off!

If you’ve come to fight, get outa here
You ain’t no better than the bouncers
We ain’t trying to be police
When you ape the cops it ain’t anarchy

[Repeat chorus]

Ten guys jump one, what a man
You fight each other, the police state wins
Stab your backs when you trash our halls
Trash a bank if you’ve got real balls

You still think swastikas look cool
The real nazis run your schools
They’re coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth reich you’ll be the first to go

[Repeat chorus]

You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
Unless you think

Nazi punk, fottetevi!

Il punk non è un culto religioso
Punk vuol dire pensare per se stessi
Non sei hardcore perché ti fai i capelli a punta
Quando un palestrato vive ancora nella tua testa

Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,

Se cercate la rissa levatevi dal cazzo
Non siete meglio dei buttafuori
Noi non vogliamo essere la polizia
Se imitate i poliziotti non è anarchia

Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,

Dieci ragazzi ne pestano uno, che uomo!
Combattete tra di voi, la polizia di stato vince
Pugnalate le vostre schiene quando sfasciate le nostre sale
Sfasciate una banca se avete davvero le palle

Pensate ancora che la swastika sia bella
I veri nazisti dirigono le vostre scuole
Sono insegnanti, uomini d’affari e poliziotti
Nel vero quarto reich sarete i primi a crepare

Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,
Nazi punk,

Sarete i primi a crepare
Sarete i primi a crepare
Sarete i primi a crepare
Anche se non lo pensate

Dance Hard Or Die! fest

January 26th, 2011 by thx1138

Dance Hard Or Die!
festival hc-thrash-punk-r’n’r
venerdí 28 e sabato 29 gennaio 2011 @ CSA nEXt Emerson via Bellagio 15 Firenze, zona Castello

venerdí 28
– Nido Di Vespe (Lucca thrashcore)
– Slaughter In The Vatican (La Spezia holy mosh)
– Carlos Dunga (Firenze hc)
– Reanimaniacs (Bologna thrashcore)

sabato 29
– Gods Of Gamble (Cagliari rock’n’roll kingz)
– Gas Attack (Roma Dead Kennedys core)
– Gli Ultimi (streetpunk dalla provincia)
– Borderline (Firenze young punx)

carlos dunga

Peggio – Alterazione della struttura. 1992

January 25th, 2011 by thx1138

Peggio (Punx – ndr) “Alterazione della struttura” LP 1992, Wide Records

A1. Codex CPX 43577
A2. Vola e vedrai
A3. Non capiremo mai
A4. Lei è tutto per lui
A5. Aspetta

B1. Corri voce
B2. Balla con noi
B3. Ultimo viaggio
B4. Momenti
B5. Attraverso lo specchio

side a


side b


more download links:

sendspace links:

side a download link

side b download link

info —

  1. Codex CPX 43577
  2. Vola e vedrai
  3. Non capiremo mai
  4. Lei è tutto per lui
  5. Aspetta
  6. Corri voce
  7. Balla con noi
  8. Ultimo viaggio
  9. Momenti
  10. Attraverso lo specchio