Steampunk Soirèe @ nEXt Emerson 25 giugno 2010

June 25th, 2010 by thx1138

stasera al CSA nEXt Emerson dalle ore 19.00:

Venerdi’ 25 giugno
Steampunk soirée!

ore 20.00 apericena + proiezione del film 9 (Animazione di Shane Acker – 79’ – 2009)
ore 21.30 presentazione del nuovo numero di Ruggine: letture, proiezioni e installazioni retrofuturibili
ore 22.00 incontro con Margaret Killjoy, autore della Guida steampunk all’apocalisse. Racconti dal movimento steampunk americano e molto altro.

Killjoy, tra i fondatori dello Steampunk Magazine, autore della Guida
Steampunk all’apocalisse, agitatore della comunita’ steampunk
americana, e’ in tour in giro per l’Europa. Per l’occasione Collane di
Ruggine e Elemento di disturbo hanno dato alla luce due piccoli
libretti con la traduzione di alcune interviste fatte da Margaret ad
alcuni scrittori anarchici di letteratura fantastica.
Da Ursula Le Guin ad Alan Moore, da MIchael Moorcock al Professor
Calamity, un’interessantissimo scambio di vedute sulla lettura
fantastica e sull’anarchismo.


Per saperne di piu’:

JELLO BIAFRA live a Roma domani sera

June 20th, 2010 by thx1138

JELLO BIAFRA and the Guantanamo School of

in concerto

domani sera, 21 giugno 2010. Roma, Forte Prenestino.


Gabriel Ananda + Marcel Janovsky @ anfiteatro delle cascine (FI) 3.6.2010

June 3rd, 2010 by thx1138

tonight (3 june 2010) in Firenze at the MUV Festival – – anfiteatro delle Cascine:

Marcel Janovsky (h 00.00) 


artist image
He is definitely one of the primary rocks among Cologne’s Techno scene.
The way he uses his broad experience and combines it with the pulse and
zeitgeisty sounds makes MARCEL JANOVSKY not only an outstanding DJ, but
also a successful label owner of TREIBSTOFF, producer and organiser. It
all started in the 1980s when 14-years-old Marcel listened to
Kraftwerk’s “Boing Boum Tschak”. The electronic music fever caught him
almost immediately and he decided to exchanged his drums for a proper
drum machine. And from this moment on, Marcel has been dedicating his
life to the beat and the dance floor.

For a DJ, the main objective is to combine your very own style with
the Zeitgeist and the tools available. And you will only succeed if you
constantly nourish your passion and variety of activities from a wealth
of experience: Marcel Janovsky was the first who came up with the
early, hot Chicago records at school parties. Later, in the early
1990s, he scratched in one of the first German Hip Hop bands. And he
vividly experienced the Big Bang of German Techno music when the Berlin
wall came down. Thanks to this unique, authentic style pool, Marcel’s
DJ sets are always precise as well as courageous;

he combines the past and the future of state-of-the-art dance music
thus creating a presence full of perfect rhythms and sensuality. Since
he founded his own label TREIBSTOFF together with René Breitbarth in
1997, Marcel Janovsky actually is one of the most dynamic key figures
among Cologne’s Techno scene: his own productions as well as the
intense label work in the last couple of years prove Marcel to be a
highly competent and pleasant promoter of both, unknown as well as
famous acts. And the party crowd adores him for being a great
organiser, booker and resident DJ of Treibstoff events taking place at
one of the best underground locations in Cologne.

Marcel Janovsky knows a vast number of DJs and live acts from his
own DJ gigs at the best clubs all over the world (for example South
America, Australia, Russia). And there is hardly any other protagonist
in the world of Techno music who can do the splits between the
international and local stage in such a perfect, smooth and
laid-backway as Marcel Janovsky does it. But in fact, the one would not
be possible without the other. 


Gabriel Ananda (h 01.30)

source: wikipedia 

Gabriel Ananda is an electronic music artist and DJ from Cologne, Germany. He is known for his diversity of sound in which he melds a mixture of techno, house, electro, and Dub music into his DJ sets and musical productions.

Ananda was weaned on classical music before listening to rock bands such as Nirvana as a teenager, as well as minimalist electronic artists like Steve Reich. His musical career path was set after a young Gabriel saw (a now much documented) Sven Vath DJ set in 1995. Two years after that, Ananda released his first 12" single for German label Horspielmusik. He has gone on to release over twenty DJ singles, many on Karmarouge Records, as well as other famed minimal and techno labels like Tanzbar Records, Trapez, Treibstoff Recordings, and Ladomat 2000. 

your friendly neighbor…..

                …..THX 1138 

Pan Sonic “Gravitoni” album

May 31st, 2010 by thx1138

Pan Sonic’s final record


download links: 


Panasonic – Urania (Disturbed Schizzo version)


turntable music

May 26th, 2010 by thx1138


"What do you do?"
"I’m a musician."
"Oh, what instrument do you play?"
"I play the turntable."
"Oh, so you are a DJ."

is a typical conversation that I have whenever I meet a new person,
often accompanied with a gesture of one hand on the ear and the other
moving back and forth.
It’s great that DJing is recognized as
something more than talking on the radio and introducing songs, but it
still comes with a strong stereotype; that it’s an act that is
essentially different from playing an instrument or composing music.
But what if the DJ composed or recorded all the music and sounds that
are being played, or if sounds are manipulated and layered to a degree
that the original source is unrecognizable, or simply if it’s just not
music to dance to? The tools, the gesture and the medium are still the
same but the music is drastically different from what people would
associate with a DJ. So are these people musicians or DJs?


un saluto a JD Zazie, WJ Meatball, Mat Pogo e a tutta la crew di Burp Enterprise 
