Gear Porn # 1: KORG Mini Kaoss Pad

August 7th, 2009 by thx1138

Sto provando il KORG mini kaoss pad, multieffetto portatile stereo molto versatile e maneggevole. Entra i una tasca e funge anche alimentato con 4 pile stilo. Presa cuffie stereo e controllo volume cufie. Le prime impressioni sono ottime. 100 effetti controllabili da una touch pad sentibile al tocco e al tamburellare delle dita, possibilità di salvare 2 settaggi e di usare in presa diretta o send (con la mandata effetti di un mixer) conteggio dei bpm e regolazione della profondità degli effetti (volume dell’effetto).  

Korg mini-KP

mini KP fx list.txt — lista completa degli effetti

Ai più curiosi consiglio la visione dei video seguenti:

DJmag Review The Korg Mini-KP DJ Effects Kaoss Pad

DJ Fantom youtube channel —

Gear Porn bonus pic (thx 2 Miccia):

Your friendly neighborhood… THX 1138

Samstag, 08.08.2009 @ WR: B_Unit + ASP_SEC

August 7th, 2009 by thx1138
Doors open at 20uhr / 20.30 start
White Rabbit @ GdK 
Potsdamer Straße 98 (2hh) 
10785 Berlin
U1 Kurfüstenstr / U2 Bülow Str -- Bus: M29 Exit Potsdamer Brücke -- 
M48/M85 Exit Lützow Strasse 
++ B UNIT (GER/IT) (electronics, field recordings, piano, voice, drums)
This new project by JD Zazie (Semerssuaq, Sistemi Audiofobici Burp) on 
cd players, turntables and mix, Mat Pogo (Jealousy Party, Sistemi 
Audiofobici Burp) on actual and recorded vocals, recorded piano and mix, 
and P. Schlewinski (ex Bolz'n, ex Ilse Lau and mainman at the 
minimamedia mailorder) on drums mixes together an exploring blend of 
real time manipulated field recordings, grindcore abstractions, free 
jazz gore parodies, and frantic semi acoustic freeform fantasies.
++ ASP/SEC (IT) (electronics, synth, bells, reeds ) + Endorgan (composed 
by SEC_ and Weltraum)
Buon compleanno a tutti gli amici nati sotto il segno del Leone... 
Your friendly neighborhood... THX 1138 

Cybotron “Cosmic Cars”

August 4th, 2009 by thx1138

classic Detroit techno track by Cybotron (Juan Atkins and Richard "3070" Davis) back from 1982 (2082?)

"…i love my car, i drive-n realy fast, i love my car, i drive-n in to past…"

Dedicated 2 Athos (R.I.P.)

links: — 

Roland TR-808 page (german language) — 

Chris Carter (TG) video e foto

August 3rd, 2009 by thx1138

Lewis Dracula + V + Rayo + Costellation Search @ White abbit (Berlin) 5 aug 2009

August 2nd, 2009 by thx1138
Dracula Lewis, the grandson of quite known Count Dracula, was born in 
the Netherland Alps back in 1977. To be able to travel as much as 
possible, visiting new places by making friends with new found people, 
though many of them short lived, has always been a dependable tradition 
in the ways of the Dracula tribe. From Den Haach to the heart of 
Bucharest, Lewis traveled via Salzburg, Vien, Linz and Unterstetten to 
his recent refuge found in Riminese. Great hotblooded food, lots of 
shady catacombs, caves and churchyards to discover and use as affordable 
residency, Lewis finally settles near Milelano. There it was where he 
met Frattz, his german sheppard dog, who becomes best companion in 
sniffling up the most exquisite quality bloodline and main muse. More 
recent, and with good advice from befriended family of Paganini, Dracula 
Lewis established his own brand in the record label Hundebiss to assure 
a steady income, to progress his need to travel and meet as much 
youngbloods as possible. Like his ancestors, Lewis taste in lively 
things stays joyous, adventurous and exuberant. Preparing the dishes for 
upcoming Wednesday August 5, Dracula Lewis invites siamese twins 
Francesco Cavaliere & Benjamin Altermatt/Indias Indios who will 
ghosttalk as Rayo, the dark & mysterious V out of Skopje/Macedonia, and 
Oliver of the Sky, a Ukranian doctor in search of map relations between 
freckles and moles. 
Maitre Vitrier:
White Rabbit Berlin/ Galerie der Künste /Potsdamer Strasse 98 /10875 Berlin
U-1: Kurfürstenstrasse/U-2 Bülowstrasse - Metro-Bus:   M29 bis Potsdamer 
Brücke +  M48/M85 bis Lutzowstrasse