Some Said You Were High Class: Jonbo-N’Jovi + Pogo/Dorella/Hana

August 13th, 2009 by thx1138


Some Berliners would say that Jonbo – N’Jovi
are the most exciting and innovating act in town, merit of their
unusual choice of instrumentarium. Ideated as a gamelan orchestra the
duo Seiji Morimoto (who by the way is a trained gamelan player) and
Francesco Cavaliere find and try all kinds of percussive moments in
every day and not so every day objects. Witnessing their performance is
sliding from one joyous moment to another, an adventurous hop and jump
act that takes the onlooker (and I was one on more then one occasion)
from one surprise to another. More recommendations? I think you will
probably recommend them after you have seen them.


What started of as Ventolin Orchestra for a supporting act, ended up with a sigh and a cough by Bruno Dorella, the director of the Orchestra, that they had stopped performing, and that he didn’t have any ideas, and that he was still with his head somewhere else (the beach of Ravenna), and that he was trying out new chop sticks. Result is that voice acrobat Mat Pogo wanted to join Bruno. And just now I hear that Norwegian wizz kid Anders Hana (MoHa!)(!) will bring his saxophone. The three of them, Bruno with his chop sticks, Mat with his vocal stenographics and Anders with his babyphone will play silently silently so. Just for the occasion. If a trio will be born, then here’s chance to see it happen.

15. August, 20.00 end 22.00



Flughafenstrasse 38

U8 Boddinstrasse

U7 Rathaus Neukölln

“Death by Lounge” day @ Staalplaat Working Space (Berlin) 12 agosto 2009

August 11th, 2009 by thx1138

Dear all,
TOMORROW Wednedsday the 12th is the "Death by Lounge" day.
Pato and Jd Zazie will perform five hours long dj set at Staalplaat Working Space in Berlin.
You can pass by and follow the beat or you can listen to it in real time from Radio Staalplaat from 17:00 ’till 22:00.
Staalplaat Working Space, Flughafenstrasse 38, Berlin Neukölln, U-Bahn Boddinstrasse

Hope to see u there



This wednesday is organised by our close collaborator Ruben. He has chosen to do a five hours long dj-set together with Valeria Merlini (aka JD Zazie). Those who know both of them can tell their friends and relatives what kind of pinball style of various sonic productions from the last 1500 years can be expected. German Schlagers, Hollywood crooners, Finnish Humpa or Japanese Tiroler, Cambodian folk or Pygmee Rain Chants you name it, they’ll destroy it in the most glorious way. Witness a great momentum in contemporary non-art as Pato and JD Zazie will prepare the funeral for all the sh*t that comes out of your FM-radio. di nuovo online

August 10th, 2009 by thx1138

Dopo mesi che non funzionava il sito di condivisione di collegamenti web adesso va di nuovo. Un ringraziamento speciale al collettivo Autistici/Inventati per le improved graphix (ovvero le grafiche migliorate) e per i servizi sempre ottimi.



THX links —

collegamenti interni – internal links:

tutti gli album di streptos generale  streptos  binaural  biblioteca  immagini  suicide live bologna 2002  beyond the tesseract  8bitpeoples  8bit music roms  voyager golden record

desolazione psicotrofica

August 10th, 2009 by thx1138

fonte: una mail di GnapGirl

Ciao XXX di inoltro questo scambio poetico, tanto improbabile quanto 
belligerante, col R: vi ho menzionati per eccesso di entusiasmo, ma 
siamo ancora in fase di esercizio letterario, che comunque in questo 
caso è misurato sulle fantasie meno inconsce dello S.
parliamone d’istanza, posso anche comporne uno ispirato ad scenari più 

Inizio messaggio inoltrato:

Data: 10 agosto 2009 17:40:29 GMT+00:00
Oggetto: k party pomeridiano: pronostici per l’Estrazione

sarebbe mica male
logisticamente parlando dovremmo arriforcellarci a dovere i 
ricettacoli segreti di nostre tasche, onde non essere sorpresi da 
desolazione psicotrofica.
Poichè la sottoscritta non raggiunge lo 0,5 di potenza massima in 
Secondo non aggiornate tradizioni nazionalpopolari stiamo organizzando 
una gita Para-Familiare.
C’è anche il duo XXX-SC e G, il mio gemello troppodiverso, a 
completare i posti nel Fuoristrada Bedford (della Famiglia ovviamente).
In fase di bivacco, su sguardo d’umarello, siamo interpretati come 
coppie adulte, colleghi al 30%, aderenti alla stessa Associazione di 
Volontariato per Disabili Violenti, e uno sbirro.
E’ l’audio che potrebbe tradirci.
Rientriamo nella fascia prosumer della Copertura Mediatica, cioè in 
linea con le vigenti leggi al 75%, se l’istantanea viene eseguita con 
Polaroid a 1/1000 di sec.
Abbiamo due barbekukkoli di marca krukka, infallibili qualora si 
decida di virare l’esperienza in un fuocofatuo incendiario in stile 
RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion).
Manca: tenda mod. villino ANAS con veranda stampata a gerani 
versiliani, un canetto, teglie di lasagne, tupperware pieni di 
SeiBellaincucina, ricette condominiali per bionde con le meches.
Per la pax-estiva propongo che qualcuna si accolli il ruolo 
dell’abbronzata in tanga, quella che insomma crea la giusta tensione 
prossemica dei momenti di vuoto digerente.
Per tornare al preambolo e non perdersi nel computo degli accessori, 
dal momento dell’Installazione fino alla dipartita (e speriamo entro i 
due giorni dal Grande Rientro Statale) si auspica che ognuno possa 
immedesimarsi nell’animale totem di qualcun altro agli antipodi della 
Un orsacchiottino Perugina dell’85, oscillante a 300bpm allo 
specchietto retrovisore, profumerà leggermente l’aria di nanna 
assorbendo l’attenzione di quelli senza fantasia oltre, ovviamente, di 
quelli CON.
Fine del turpiloquio che ti consiglio di Stampare e Bruciare subito.



Il giorno 10/ago/09, alle ore 08:14, SR ha scritto:

hallo madame, nel ringraziarla ankora x la bellissima colazione "in 
vigna"d domenica mattina-M era etasiata!-le sottoponevo l’idea d 
un party-nn d massa!-pomeridiano,magarivenerdi14(io lavoro fino alle 
13).stesso tema. magari all’aperto.  mi facci sapere.  love R

The bad animal

August 9th, 2009 by thx1138

“[…] L’uomo è un animale cattivo perchè uccide non solo la sua specie ma anche tutti gli altri animali. […] L’uomo è l’unico animale che distrugge il proprio nido, il suo ambiente e che si sta preparando a distruggere il suo unico e solo pianeta abitabile. Nessun pesce ha mai inquinato il mare. Nessun uccello ha mai inquinato l’aria. Nessun altro animale ha mai schiavizzato gli altri e finanziato guerre. Un animale cattivo è un animale che distrugge il mondo visibile intorno ad esso. […]”

Brion Gysin

testo e foto tratti dal libro “Here to go: Planet R-101” di Terry Wilson / Brion Gysin. ristampa delle edizioni Creation Books (il volume originale era edito da Re/search Publications, San Francisco)


estratto dal film “FLicKeR” di Nik Sheehan che narra la storia dell’invenzione della Dreamachine, ovvero la “macchina dei sogni”, la prima opera d’arte della storia che si guarda con gli occhi chiusi.

una dream machine

“Really, I think, behind everything, he was trying to teach people to see differently.” – Genesis P-Orridge, on Brion Gysin

The dream machine looks simple enough: A 100-watt light bulb, a motor, and a rotating cylinder with cutouts. Just sit in front of it, close your eyes, and wait for the visions to come.

The dream machine offers a drugless high that its creator — poet, artist, calligrapher and mystic Brion Gysin — believed would revolutionize human consciousness.

He wasn’t alone. Kurt Cobain had a dream machine. And William S. Burroughs thought it could be used to “storm the citadels of enlightenment.”

With a custom-made dream machine in tow, director Nik Sheehan takes us on a journey into the life of Brion Gysin — his art, his complex ideas, and his friendships with some of the 20th century’s key counterculture figures.

Gysin was fascinated by identity. He saw himself as a incarnation of the 10th-century King of Assassins, trained in counter-espionage during WWII, and wrote and rewrote his name in countless permutations, as if to make it disappear — in the process, inventing the cut-up technique that his lifelong friend, Beat novelist Burroughs, would make famous.

Featuring greats like Burroughs (in archival footage), singer Marianne Faithfull, singer/artist Genesis P-Orridge of Psychic TV, poet John Giorno, rocker Iggy Pop, filmmaker Kenneth Anger, and artist/turntablist DJ Spooky, FLicKeR is a hypnotic documentary.

Taking the dream machine as the basis of its explorations, FLicKeR asks crucial questions about the nature of art and consciousness, and imagines a humanity liberated to explore its creativity in complete freedom.

Brion Gysin (1916-1986) was a multimedia artist and mystic most famous in his lifetime for inventing a system called The Cut Ups, often credited to his best friend and soul mate the Beat writer William S. Burroughs. Traversing many nationalities, Gysin was a Sufi initiate, Secret knowledge. Dream Machine 1960 at the Beat Hotel after experiencing flicker near Marseilles tried everything to market and sell his ticket. Control systems kif. Yes? Hello? Aligned with Breton’s surrealists but to crushing defeat, taken off the wall the night before, doubts remain. Morocco Atlas mountains Jajouka musicians Brian Jones recorded died Kurt Cobain had a Dream Machine. I am That I am. Junk is no good baby. Grid patterns. Hassan I Sabbah. Man is a bad animal. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.